Bus Cat Ba to Ha Giang ↔ Ha Giang to Cat Ba Island

Bus from Cat Ba to Ha Giang 2024

Ha Giang is a province, located in the North – East of Vietnam. The distance bus from Cat Ba to Ha Giang about 480 km (How to get from Ha Giang to Cat Ba ?)

Takes a bus from Cat Ba Island to Ha Giang city about 12 hours with tourist bus 35 seats transfer to Hanoi & from Hanoi to Ha Giang with limousine bus 15 – 25 seats, Palace bus 22 cabin and Sleeper bus.

The distance bus from Hanoi to Ha Giang city center with limousine bus is about 320 km about 6,5 hours & Cat Ba to Hanoi is about 160 km which takes you about 3,5 hours riding with amazing moutain view on it’s way.

Nowadays Ha Giang with Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark is become a highlight tourist place in Viet Nam which is attractive to many travellers all over the world.

Good Morning Cat Ba Bus cooperate with Ha Giang Limousine Bus company organize the bus from Ha Giang to Cat Ba Island and Bus Cat Ba to Ha Giang night bus.


Cat Ba to Ha Giang price:30$ / Pax
Depart :Daily
Depart time from Cat Ba :09:00, 12:30, 15:30
Depart time from Hanoi :15:00, 19:00, 21:00
Type of Bus :Tourist bus + Limousine or Cabin Vip Bus
WhatsApp booking +84913096281
Bus from Cat Ba to Ha Giang

Please send the email to : info@goodmorningcatba.com or chat via WhatsApp / Viber : +84913096281 / 84888000896 to get more information or book the ticket.

From Cat ba to Hanoi we pickup with tourist bus 35 seats and dropoff at Hanoi office at 9B Cho Gao, Hang Buom, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi and then from Hanoi to Ha giang tranfer by limousine bus to Ha Giang 15 seats, Vip bus 25 seats, Palace bus 24 cabin, Sleeper bus and dropoff at Hotel, Hostel in Ha Giang city.

Bus Catba – Ha giang
Cat ba to Ha Giang
Limouisine bus Hanoi to Ha Giang – Combo bus Cat ba to Ha Giang
Hanoi to Ha Giang Limousine Bus
Hanoi to Ha Giang Limousine Bus

Bus from Ha Giang to Cat Ba

From Ha Giang to Cat Ba Island we pickup at Hotel, Hostel around Ha Giang City and travel to Hanoi bus station in My Dinh by Limousine bus, Vip bus, Palace bus, Sleeper bus. After than, from My Dinh bus station we transfer to Hanoi old quarter office at 9B Cho Gao and travel to Cat Ba Island by tourist bus 35 seats.


Ha Giang to Cat Ba price :30$ / Pax
Depart :Daily
Depart time from Ha Giang :07:00
Depart time from Hanoi :14:00
Type of Bus : Limousine or Cabin VIP + Tourist bus
WhatsApp booking +84913096281
Bus from Ha Giang to Cat Ba

Please send the email to : info@goodmorningcatba.com or chat via WhatsApp / Viber : +84913096281 / 84888000896 to get more information or book the ticket.

See more bus from Cat ba island :

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