Bus Cat Ba to Ninh Binh ↔ Ninh Binh to Cat Ba

Bus Cat Ba to Ninh Binh

Bus from Cat Ba to Ninh Binh distance about 160 km only 13.5$ – Bus Cat Ba Tam Coc, The bus Ninh Binh to Cat Ba Island takes about 4.5 hours by BUS + FERRY + BUS only 13.5$ – 35 seats Tourist Bus, Limousine bus 15$.

Cat Ba to Ninh Binh08:00, 09:00, 12:30, 15:30
Tourist bus price13.5$ / Pax
Ninh Binh to Cat Ba07:30, 09:00, 09:30, 13:30, 14:00
Tourist bus price13.5$ / Pax
Cat Ba Island to Ninh Bus round trip – Time and Price Tourist bus

How to travel from Cat Ba to Ninh Binh bus ? How to get to Ninh Binh from Cat Ba Island and Ninh Binh to Cat Ba Island ? Now it is so easier >> Book by WhatsApp, Telegram +84913096281, +84888000896

We offer free pick up all of you from your hotel in Cat Ba Island to Ninh Binh city, and from Beo harbor then drop off you at Ninh Binh Provice or Tam Coc boat station area.

Tourist bus ninh binh to cat ba
Tourist bus ninh binh to cat ba

Two ways for you to choose from Cat Ba to Ninh Binh

  • Hydrofoil to Hai Phong. You can go straigh to the harbour and buy a ticket from here for hydrofoil with price 250.000 – 290.000 (low season – hight season). Or outside the harbor there are plenty of agencies that sell tickets for a hydrofoil to Hai Phong, then you take a taxi to Bus station to get bus to Ninh Binh.
  • Tourist Bus Cat ba to Cai Vieng harbor, then get on Speed boat or Ferry to Got harbour -> bus Cat Ba Island to Ninh Binh (13.5$ ~ 340.000 VND / 4.5 to 5 hours ).

You can check with tour organizer Good Morning Cat Ba or send them an email at info@goodmorningcatba.com Call, Whatsapp, Telegram, Viber support : +84913096281 / +84888000896

They will pick you up at your hotel, resort, hostel from Cat Ba island or somewhere far away from the center like Beo harbour or some others homestay around the island, then the bus take you to Cai Vieng harbor, Ferry is waitting there for 25 minutes to the other side, and from here an other bus take you straigh to Ninh Binh town and Tam Coc up on your request.

If you booked the hotel already, from your place, just take a taxi to there or if not just walk around to looking for a room, dorm or just a homstay which suitable with your money.


  • The rate is just include : BUS + SPEED BOAT (or FERRY) + BUS.
  • The Limousine bus just pick up from all of your hotel in Cat Ba / Drop off at our office in Tam coc boat station or Ninh Binh city and vice versace.
  • No Tour guide on bus.

Cat ba to Tam Coc – Ninh Binh : 08:00, 09:00, 12h30, and 15:30 every day.

If you take the second, it’s very convinience for your travelling, The bus offer free pick up from NINH BINH city or TAM COC area, You do not care anything more about taxi or any other trouble on the way.

Bus CAT BA to NINH BINH time 13.5$

Depart from Cat BaArrive in Ninh BinhType of CarPrice
08:0013:3029/35 Seats13.5$/person
09:0015:0029/35 Seats13.5$/person
12:3018:3029/35 Seats13.5$/person
15:3028:3029/35 Seats13.5$/person
Bus Cat Ba to Ninh Binh – Cat Ba to Tam Coc timeable – Tourist bus 13.5$
Time from Cat Ba12:30, 15:30
Limousine bus15$ / person
Depart dailyBook by WhatsApp +84913096281
Limousine bus time & price
Bus Cat Ba to Ninh Binh
Bus Cat Ba to Ninh Binh Limosine

Meeting point in Cat Ba Island to Ninh Binh : No 228 and 1/4 Street, Cat Ba Town, Hotel in Cat Ba Town, Beo harbor …

  • Price Tourist Bus (35 Seats/ 29 Seats) : 13.5$ / person – Include : Bus + Ferry + Bus.

How to book Cat Ba to Ninh Binh bus ? 

Or Call / Chat WhatsApp, Telegram to support : +84913096281 or email info@goodmorningcatba.com


Ninh Binh to Cat Ba time & Tam Coc to Cat Ba : 07:30, 09:00, 09:30, 13:30 and 14:00 every day.

Bus Ninh Binh to Cat Ba

Bus NINH BINH to CAT BA time 13.5$

Depart from Ninh BinhArrive in Cat BaType of CarPrice
07:3012:3029/35 Seats13.5$/person
09:0014:0029/35 Seats13.5$/person
09:3014:3029/35 Seats13.5$/person
13:3018:3029/35 Seats13.5$/person
14:0019:0029/35 Seats13.5$/person
Bus from Ninh Binh to Cat Ba Island time – Tam Coc to Cat Ba Bus
Time from Ninh Binh07:00, 08:30
Limousine bus15$ / person
Depart dailyBook by WhatsApp +84913096281
Limousine bus time & price

Meeting point in Tam Coc to Cat Ba : Tam Coc boat station and around hotel and hostel in Tam Coc

Meeting point in Ninh Binh city : 454 Ngo Gia Tu Nam Binh, Nam Binh, Ninh Binh city – Ninh Binh train station, hotel in Ninh Binh city.

If pick up from Ninh Binh City time at : 07:30, 09:00, 09:30, 11:30, 14:00 

  • Price Tourist Bus (35 Seats/ 29 Seats) : 13.5 USD/person – Include : Bus + Ferry + Bus.

How to book Bus Ninh Binh to Cat Ba or Tam Coc to Cat Ba Island ?

Book Bus Ninh Binh to Cat Ba Island ? >> Please Call / Whatsapp / Viber support : +84913096281 or email: info@goodmorningcatba.com

Top things to do in Ninh binh

What to do in Ninh Binh

  • Trang An Grottoes

One of the most popular places in Ninh Binh, Trang an grottoes is a stunning complex of valleys and crosswater caverns.

  • Hoa Lu

Hoa Lu is a cultural centre filled with ancient pagodas and citadels, The city used to be the capital of Vietnam during the 10th and 11th century. Most of these were built in honour of the royals of the Dinh dynasty.

  •  Bai Dinh Temple Spiritual and Cultural Complex

The Bai Dinh Temple compound is the largest complex of temples in Vietnam, It is a major destination for religious pilgrimages and an even more popular attraction for visiting tourists who are interested in spirituality and Buddhist art.

  • Mua Cave (Hang Mua)

Mua cave just a short 15-minute trek up 500 steps, so it’s definitely one of the most worthwhile activities to spend time on in the area.

  • Tam Coc Boat Ride

As you cruise along the river, you’ll be rewarded with awe-inspiring natural landscape and a chance to see the rural religious sites hidden away from view, take a break from the bustling city life and hop on for a boat trip down Tam Coc River.

  • Bich Dong Pagoda

Bich Dong Pagoda is a cluster of majestic mountain cave temples elegantly residing around the area. These ancient shrines and historic pagodas are scattered in intervals along the hillside, some dating back to as early as the 15th century. You’ll have to walk and climb to get to each monument, but the journey en route treats you to lavish views of the valley and luscious greenery.

  • Cuc Phuong National Park

Cuc Phuong National Park is one of the key sites of biodiversity in Vietnam. As the country’s largest nature reserve, the preserved rainforest is home to over 300 species of rare birds and 2000 species of plants well-protected to maintain the untouched wildlife of Ninh Binh.

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